This project is still young and developing. My goal is to use the technique of Train GIF scenes on photographic backgrounds to make a Web based Model railroad of the Wisconsin & Southern Railroad. Why? Well obviously, I need a little digital world for my little digital trains to inhabit! For more information on Train GIFs and these little scenes, click back up to the Splinters of Reality Railroad (SORR).
My inspiration was WSOR's beautiful pair of E9 passenger locomotives from the 1950's, so all my early work was on the passenger end. I have moved on to draw gifs of the main line freight power and will continue fleshing out the rolling stock as time and photos allow.
Slowly the scene collection is growing. You can get to them through the System Map. You'll see an obvious theme of water and bridges, but much of WSOR's territory is defined by water and people love to take pictures of bridges, so I had lot's of them to choose from to find workable photos. The open views across the water make for really nice scene photos too.
My focus at the moment is to add to the scene collection and add the occasional piece of rolling stock. Then I'll start working up more trains for the scenes to add variety.
I was inspired by a Train GIF scene by Dave Cooley which appeared to have some photographic elements in it. I wanted to make a scene entirely from a photo for the best possible reality.
I'm Open to Help: Don't be afraid to offer corrections or further information to add to anything you see here. I'm not a true train junkie, I just like watching and riding. I also don't live in Wisconsin anymore, I just visit. So, if you have photos of engines or cars in nice profile (or close) or a photo you think would make a good scene addition, by all means, let me hear about it.
Terms of Use: As with most other GIF artists, these gifs are free to use for personal purposes, but please let me know you're using them (I'm curious) and list me in the credits and link back to here. If your webpage or use has any commercial content, you'll need to contact me for permission. Many of the background photos are not mine. They may not be used without permission of the credited photographer.
NOTE: This site is an unofficial fan site of the Wisconsin & Southern Railroad. They have a wonderful website of their own. Please go check it out.