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TrainGIF Painting Tutorial Project - Step by Step drawing of a GIF from beginning to end.
TrainGIF Javascript Tutorial - Learn to use the Javascripts to make Traingif Scenes on your webpage. Safe for raw beginners!
TrainGIF Scene Building Example Tutorial - A step by step example of using the Javascript to make a more complex scene.
Ed Bindler's - LOTS of train GIFs. Lots of background and history information on the hobby. Lots of links to other GIFers. A Tutorial on animating the GIF scenes.
Banks of the Susquehanna by Brian Clough - The originator of the Java Script that animated the scenes. You can get the scripts here as well as his documentation on using them. by Dave Cooley - Dave has GIFs and tutorials. He's also got the scene that made me decide to use photos for scene building. - I.mage! image editor freeware. I'm very happy with this one for drawing the GIFs as well as editing the scenery photos. - Alleycode is a very nice HTML editor freeware. If you need to edit your webpages directly in the raw code, this one is pretty darned good and it was recommended to my by a professional Web Designer/Developer. I build my websites directly in HTML using this program for best control and most universally compatible code, but then, writing computer code and programs is a big part of what I do for a living...